
Altinex TE460-137 Teardown

Altinex TE460-137 Teardown

It is surprisingly hard to find a device that can dump details about the various protocols and negotiated standards for a HDMI connection. For how ubiquitous HDMI is, you’d think that there would be a lot of devices that can do this. There are LOADS of devices that can snoop USB and Ethernet, but HDMI is a bit of a different beast, apparently.

After a bit of searching, I found the Altinex TE460-137 could do exactly what I wanted.

AliExpress 11.11 Sale Teardowns

11-11 day teardowns

Single’s Day is a big deal in China and AliExpress has a big sale in celebration.

In addition to project supplies, I found quite a few items that can only be classified as “ohh, that looks interesting and I need another $11 in the cart to unlock free shipping…” items.

I was planing on doing a series of posts covering some of the stuff I bought but nothing on it’s own was really “worth” a full post so instead of a bunch of short “Two Minute Teardown” posts, I decided to just roll everything into this massive post.