
Announcing The Missing ToDoist Tools

TMTDT: The Missing ToDoist Tools 🎉

As the name implies, TMTDT started as a small collection of scripts that I used to augment ToDoist with features they can’t/won’t implement. It’s grown quite a bit since then.

I don't know how to make flashy demo gifs.

I don't know how to make flashy demo gifs. See the file driving the demo

Those scripts started as simple idea and quickly morphed into a creaky, but essential, tool. As more features were added it continued too morph into an unmaintainable mess. Untangling that mess was on my todo list but never a high priority partly because of issues TMTDT was designed to solve 🤦.

Systemd Resolved With Consul Agent

I pieced this technique together a while back and created a gist for it. I’m creating this post as a pointer to that gist so I have something that’s a bit easier to reference and refer others to.

And i want to test out the hugo shortcode for embedding a gist 😏.

The really short version:

  • Create a dedicated interface that can only be accessed from the local system
  • Bind the consul-agent’s DNS service to this local only interface
  • Tell systemd-resolved that all hostnames with the .consul TLD can be resolved via a DNS server on this local interface

No need to disable resolved and replace it with dnsmasq 😄